

At Chautauqua Hills Farm we have been blessed with incredible numbers and varieties of native pollinators consisting of native bees, bumblebees, carpenter bees, etc…Once blooms emerge in the spring, it’s amazing to walk down the rows between the plants and listen to the hum of hundreds, if not thousands (too many count – that’s for sure!) of bees going about their work pollinating our plants. We’re very thankful we’ve been blessed with such an abundance of native pollinators to help us each year!

We also work with Tim Tucker from Tucker Bees in Niotaze, Kansas. Tim has a wealth of experience and knowledge about bees. He also sells his TuckerBee Honey and a range of honey-related products that he produces. We’d encourage you to contact him at 620.879.2926 or via email at tuckerb@hit.net for more information on his wonderful TuckerBee Honey.

Supporting Bees: ABF’s “Friends of the Bee” Fund

Looking for the perfect way to honor a friend or family member while helping to protect and preserve one of nature’s finest?  Why not make a donation in his or her name to the Friends of the Bee fund?

The honey bee today faces its largest challenge in its long history — its continued survival. Factors fighting against the honey bee include:

– Parasitic varroa mites that not only affect colony numbers, but vector over a dozen viruses that affect honey bee health.
– Continued loss of habitat.
– Challenging weather extremes that can affect honey bee health due to drought and floral degradation.
– Increased risk from pesticides affecting all beneficial insects.

With your generous donation you can help protect the honey bee habitat, aid in the fight against Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), encourage government-sponsored research, assist in the battle against adulterated honey in the marketplace and help ensure the continued role of the honey bee in pollinating 1/3 of our food supply.

Support the world’s most beneficial insect and become a friend of the bee with your donation of $25, $50 or $100. Donate today and receive a stylish Friends of the Bee bumper sticker…and help us tip the balance back in favor of the honey bee. Click here to download the donation form or contact the ABF at 404.760.2875 for assistance.